Blog Post #1

this website is tracking my cookies?!" they will never get my recipe -  Internet Grandma | Make a Meme

 1. What're the ways you currently use technology in your life? 


I typically do not expand my technological use outside of school and my daily cell phone use. For school, I stick to basic computer programs and I typically don't expand my use outside of that. At my place of work, I do not run into any major forms of technology. I currently work as a fitness instructor and I have to connect my studios iPod to the bluetooth speakers in our studio room which usually doesn't give me much trouble.   

2. How comfortable are you using technology and learning new technologies? 

I would not consider myself tech savvy by any standards. I am somewhat comfortable using my daily devices but outside of those I typically struggle to adapt to new circumstances. I am gaining a better understanding of technology overall lately but I still would neglect to call myself comfortable in my new understanding. 

3. When your tech tools are "misbehaving" do you have the confidence to figure them out, or what would you do? 

I do not have the confidence in myself yet to be completely independent with technology issues. Maybe after I gain some more experiences and learn how to deal with common problems then I will be able to have some confidence in my abilities. My go to plan is always troubleshoot or powering the device off, but when that doesn't work, tech support is always there I guess! 

4. What do I hope to gain this quarter?

My goal is to become more confident in my understanding and use of technology in my day to day life and in the classroom so I can incorporate what I have learned to my own teaching. I am hoping to gain the skills necessary to expand my knowledge base with the technology I am familiar with.

10 uses of technology that made it a part of everyday work - India Today


  1. Hi Madison, I love your pictures and the first one was so funny, I related to you when you talked about how confident you were to fix the misbehaving technology because I think that im like you it all depends on the kind of damage the item has. I also liked that your so open to learning about new technology because i'm sure we will all benefit a lot from this course as future educators.

  2. Hey Madison! First off I have to say I chuckled at your cookies picture that is hilarious! You mention how you are not tech savvy and I myself am also not very tech savvy I tend to stick with my devices and that is pretty much it, but I feel I have gained some confidence with just fiddling with them. I really enjoyed reading what you had to say about your tech misbehaving and how honest and real you are about where you stand.

  3. Hi Madision!
    I loved the pictures you included in your blog. As someone who has always been around technology, I can tell you that using it will be a lot easier the longer you're around it. Especially in a classroom setting, you'll always be learning new stuff!

  4. Hi Madison, Great job on your first blog post. Your first picture made me laugh and it got my attention. When I have a problem with technology, my first plan is also always to troubleshoot/restart the device. I'm somewhat comfortable with technology but I'm hoping this class helps me gain confidence in my technology skills.


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